Hello It's Me

Deepanshu yadav

I'am persuing Btech CSE

Iam currently a student of Graphic Era Hill University Dehradun and passionate about explore new web technologies

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About Me


I am a Computer Science Engineering student who is passionate about the world of technology and all its possibilities. I have gained proficiency in various programming languages such as C++, Python, and Java, and have completed projects in web development, database management, and machine learning. My passion for technology, adaptability, and teamwork skills make me committed to using my expertise to solve real-world problems and contribute to society. I am excited to continue learning and growing in the field of computer science.

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My Skills


C++ is a general-purpose programming language used to develop operating systems, application software, device drivers, and system software. Skills in C++ refer to the ability to write efficient, high-performance code using the language's syntax, data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented concepts. Other skills can include file handling, debugging, and optimizing code for better performance.

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Java skills involve proficiency in coding, debugging, and building applications using Java programming language, including knowledge of core Java concepts like data types, control structures, classes, and interfaces, as well as familiarity with popular Java frameworks and libraries like Spring, Hibernate, and Maven.

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JavaScript skills involve proficiency in coding, debugging, and building dynamic and interactive web applications using JavaScript programming language, including frameworks such as React and Node.js. It also includes knowledge of DOM manipulation, event handling, and asynchronous programming concepts such as Promises and Async/Await.

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HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is a fundamental skill required for web development. HTML is used to create the structure and content of web pages, including text, images, and other multimedia elements. A skill in HTML involves understanding the basics of HTML syntax, markup tags, and attributes, as well as best practices for creating accessible, responsive, and semantically correct web pages.

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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) skills involve proficiency in creating and styling website layouts and interfaces using CSS syntax, selectors, properties, and values. This includes knowledge of responsive design, cross-browser compatibility, and CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap or Materialize.

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Python skills involve proficiency in coding, debugging, and building applications using the Python programming language. This includes knowledge of Python syntax, data structures, libraries, and frameworks such as NumPy, Pandas, and Flask. Python is used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence applications.

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React skills involve the ability to build complex and interactive user interfaces for web applications using React library, including knowledge of state management, component-based architecture, JSX syntax, and common React frameworks such as Redux and Next.js. Additionally, proficiency in JavaScript and front-end web development is required to work with React.

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My Projects

student report card

A student report card handling project is created using C++ with file handling capabilities to store, read, and manipulate data on student grades, attendance, and other information, streamlining the report card generation process.

Blog Website

A blog website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with EJS templating engine, where users can share daily vlogs through a user-friendly interface.

Hotel Booking Cancellation prediction

Machine learning algorithms can help hotels predict whether a customer is likely to cancel their booking based on past data. This allows hotels to adjust their operations and customer service to reduce cancellations and improve overall guest experience.

ATM fraud Detection

ATM fraud detection can be improved by using computer programs that can learn from past data and recognize when something is not right with a transaction. This helps banks and customers prevent fraud and avoid losing money.

Stock Price Prediction

The code is for predicting the stock prices of a company using an LSTM model. It uses the Tiingo API to fetch the historical stock prices data of Apple and then performs some data pre-processing and trains an LSTM model to predict the future prices. The model is then used to predict the future prices of the next 30 days

Melanoma Detector

The Melanoma Detector is a web application powered by machine learning that aims to assist users in the early detection of melanoma, a potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer. This innovative and user-friendly web app harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide rapid and accurate assessments of skin lesions, helping users make informed decisions about their skin health.

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